
Innovation plays a strategic role
in the success of a business project.
We exploit the tools of industrial and intellectual property
to effectively protect it in Italy and internationally.
Together with the client, we plan the strategy that most suits his targets,
with a direct, pragmatic, and transparent approach
in order to secure the value of his innovation.

√ Registrations
√ Licensing and transfers
Protection of innovation
√ Inventions and utility models
in Italy and internationally
√ Italian and Community Designs
√ Validation and opposition of European patents
√ European patent with unitary effect
√ Patent prosecution abroad
√ Patent strategies
√ Prior art searches
√ Freedom to operate
√ Validity opinions
√ Infringement opinions
√ Ex parte technical opinions
Other services
We cooperate with professionals specialized in
√ trademarks
√ copyright
√ contract law
√ industrial secret
√ legal protection
√ subsidized finance
√ project management
Latest articles

Who we are

Alfeo Muraro

He operates in the field of IP since 2006.
He drafted, and prosecuted up to grant,
some hundreds of Italian, European
and International (PCT) patent applications,
as well as in many extra-European countries such as
the United States, Japan, and China,
in cooperation with foreign attorneys,
in a variety of technical fields.
He is qualified to represent clients before Italian (UIBM), European (EPO), and International (WIPO) patent offices, as well as before the EU Intellectual Property Office (EUIPO), and before the Unified Patent Court (UPC).
He dealt with patent litigations both as ex parte- and as Court- expert.
He graduated in mechanical engineering in Padua (Italy) with honor.
He communicates in English and Italian.

We cooperate with practitioners
having expertise in different aspects
of industrial and intellectual property.
We maintain a network of foreign attorneys
for prosecuting IP rights

Studio Alfeo Muraro
Lungadige Giacomo Leopardi, 81
38122 Trento (TN)
VAT No. IT 04073660245
Phone: +39 0461 1637646
Fax: +39 0461 1632175
Email: info@brevettimuraro.it